Grunwald Reconstruction

  • reżyseria i inscenizacja: Ewelina Węgiel i Anna Mazurek
  • tekst: Anna Mazurek
Na zdjęciu rzeźbiarz Jan Papina wraz ze swoimi pracami.
Zegar90 MIN

Horses, bloody canvases, ghosts and ghouls, a luminous meadow and... horses: "Exhibition after the end of the world - Grunwald 2410" awaits you! This is the only opportunity to experience a living museum. Wandering through the gloomy corridors of the New Situations Stage, we will learn the story of the amateur artists who devoted years of work to creating a copy of Jan Matejko's painting. What is Grunwald all about?

Realizatorki i realizatorzy

  • reżyseria i inscenizacja: Ewelina Węgiel i Anna Mazurek
  • tekst: Anna Mazurek
  • scenografia i wideo: Ewelina Węgiel
  • inicjatorzy projektu i badania terenowe: Ewelina Węgiel, Jan Kanty Zienko
  • muzyka: Wojciech Kosma
  • kostiumy: Michał Dobrucki
  • konsultacje z fechtunku: Adrianna Janowska-Moniuszko
  • asystent reżyserek: Wojciech Sandach
  • inspicjentka: Jolanta Szadkowska

The original painting, lost during the Second World War, was accidentally found in a barn in one of the villages near Lublin. It is currently in a state of decay. Ahead of the six hundredth anniversary of the battle, three independently operating groups of artists - painter Ireneusz Rolewski, sculptor Jan Papina and embroiderers led by Janina Panek - made 1:1 copies of the painting in their respective techniques.

The creators and makers of the performative installation 'Grunwald Reconstruction' spent two years documenting the work of amateur artists. Meetings and conversations inspired the creation of a forward-looking museum. Will looking at the past from the perspective of the future change our present?

Premiered as part of the Scena New Situations artistic residency.

Theatrical Podcast: An attempt to transcend one's judgement - a conversation with Ewelina Węgiel and Anna Mazurek (conversation in Polish).

Plakat do spektaklu. Rzeźbiarz przy swoich wielkoformatowych pracach.

Photo from the private archive of Jan Papina. Graphic design: Pełnia Studio

The performance was realised as part of the artistic residency Scena Nowe Sytuacje, thanks to the support of the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation. The artistic residency tutor for the performance was Agnieszka Polska.

The play took part in the 29th National Competition for the Exhibition of Polish Contemporary Art.

The performance uses works composed by Wojciech Kosma, as well as 'Bogurodzica' and the Nocturnes, Op. 55 by Frederic Chopin.


  • „One of the most interesting theatre productions of winter 2022”.
    – Vogue Polska
  • Grunwald. Reconstruction combines (...) not only a critical trait, but also humour. And in addition: real empathy, which is not at all common in political theatre”.
    – Witold Mrozek, Dwutygodnik


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