Woman who tackled the fire

Kobieta, która zajęła się ogniem
  • script and direction: Ewa Rucińska, Maria Dąbrowska
Kobieta w czarnym kombinezonie i ciemnych okularach pozuje w jedną ręką wyciągniętą do góry.
Zegar90 MIN

Premiere of Hybad's Artistic Initiative Environment in co-production with the Contemporary Theatre in Szczecin

A comedy musical based on a true women's story - a continuation of THE WOMAN AT RISK FROM LOW RETIREMENT BENEFITS, which has a huge fan base. The story of an artist who undertakes a mission to repair the world, even though the burden is clearly crushing her. Maria wants to take on all the problems described by the women. The ones they face quietly, at home and at work, forcing herself to play the role of the heroine who copes with everything. The interactive, light-hearted form of the musical evokes laughter and encourages conversation, adding a community therapeutic dimension to the event.


  • script and direction: Ewa Rucińska, Maria Dąbrowska
  • music direction: Piotr Klimek
  • costumes and scenery: Grupa Mixer
  • scenic movement: Eliza Hołubowska
  • production: Agata Grzybowska


The performance was created as part of the OFF Polska programme organised by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute.

Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

Co-financed by the City of Szczecin.

Plakat do spektaklu. Kobieta unosi nad głową samochód.

Photo by Mila Łapko, poster design: Full Studio
costume designer: Karolina Grzeszczuk


  • „Great fire on the stage of Mały Theatre. Another bravura performance by Maria Dabrowska!”.
    – Radosław Bruch, Wszczecinie.pl (go to source)
  • „An explosive mix with a second bottom”.
    – Małgorzata Klimczak, Dziennik Teatralny (go to source)


Czarno-białe zdjęcie - kobieta przed mikrofonem gra na tamburynie w kształcie gwiazdy.