The Doll

Bolesław Prus
  • reżyseria: Piotr Ratajczak
Mężczyzna w garniturze zakrywa twarz dłonią. Za nim siedzi młoda kobieta w różowej sukni i peruce.
Zegar180 MIN

The well-known love story of Stanisław Wokulski and Izabela Łęcka in a new version. Is there room for romantic love on the way to the business top? Is it possible in a world where contempt reigns?


Realizatorzy i realizatorki

  • reżyseria: Piotr Ratajczak
  • adaptacja: Joanna Kowalska
  • scenografia: Marcin Chlanda
  • kostiumy: Grupa Mixer
  • muzyka: Tomasz Lewandowski
  • choreografia : Aneta Jankowska
  • asystent reżysera: Wojciech Sandach
  • asystentka scenografa: Anna Kolanecka

The action takes place at a late-night Business Gala where the VIP cream of the crop - entrepreneurs, salesmen and the rich - meet. The flashy discussions and business dealings are the backdrop for Wokulski's unfolding drama and misplaced feelings. Plagued by conflicting emotions, torn between fascination with the elite and hatred towards them, the young businessman takes his fate into his own hands and tries to find happiness.


  • Amber Ring plebiscite - jury award for the best performance of the 2020/2021 artistic season and award for the best actor of the season, Adam Kuzycz-Berezowski, for the role of Stanislaw Wokulski

The production took part in the 7th Competition for the Staging of Old Works of Polish Literature "Classics Alive".

Plakat do spektaklu. But na wysokim obcasie trzymany przez męską rękę.

poster design: Ola Zielińska


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