It's not your turn, baby

  • direction, dramaturgy and stage design: Tomasz Cymerman
Mężczyzna w białym cylindrze gra na perkusji. Obok niego widoczny przejeżdżający pociąg towarowy.
Zegar80 MIN

An old as the hills theme of two lovers who are relentless in their efforts to find each other. The play's protagonists are a couple who want to meet on the anniversary of their relationship. The two set off on a journey from the two corners of Poland, hoping to meet at a sentimental railway station. Unfortunately, the journey turns out to be a breakneck task. However, the protagonists of the play still believe that their love will overcome everything. Or do they?

‘It's not your turn, baby’ is a micro musical full of anecdotes in which the audience will recognise the whole spectrum of emotions that accompany a traveller through Polish verges, turnouts and railway tracks. The show combines humorous plots with the completely non-humorous truth about public transport. Will it come? Will it not come? That is the question.



  • direction, dramaturgy and stage design: Tomasz Cymerman
  • text and songs: Krzysztof Szekalski
  • song composition and music: Dominik Strycharski
  • costumes and stage design consultation: Marta Śniosek-Masacz
  • stage manager: Magdalena Kaźmierska
Plakat do spektaklu. Na zdjęciu mężczyzna w białym cylindrze grający na perkusji. Za nim widoczny przejeżdżający pociąg.

photo: Daniel Rumiancew
layout: Pełnia Studio




  • ‘(...) Excellent absurdist formula and... atmosphere. It's great to watch actors on stage who like themselves, like the text and at the same time have a great and sincere time (also with the audience). All three exude an unceremonious detachment, with a sense of humour that is as sophisticated as it is absurd, but at the same time they understand the seriousness of the subject and the importance of what they are talking and singing about.’
    – Daniel Źródlewski, Teksty Żródłowe (go to source)
  • „(…) przedstawienie, w którym udało się połączyć humor z mało optymistycznym obrazem naszego transportu publicznego. Aktorzy niewątpliwie udźwignęli ten bagaż doświadczeń.”
    – Radosław Bruch, (go to source)


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