Little Red Riding Hood

Joël Pommerat
  • reżyseria: Anna Smolar
Dziewczynka z czerwonym plecakiem biegnie po peronie kolejowym. W tle stojący pociąg.
Zegar60 MIN
Ikona wymagań wiekowychFROM 7 YEARS OLD

What are you afraid of?
But actually, in real life, what are you afraid of?
Now imagine that this something is looking you straight in the eye, 
that this thing has a shape, 
it even makes sounds, 
maybe talking to you. 
What is it saying?
And what do you see?
Can you see the red?
Where is she?
And who is the wolf? And what is the wolf like? Who actually plays the role of the wolf? 
And you - what role do you play?
They say that sometimes it is worthwhile to plunge into the deep dark forest, to face the beast and test your strength, test your power.


Realizatorki i realizatorzy

  • przekład: Maryna Ochab
  • reżyseria: Anna Smolar
  • scenografia i kostiumy: Anna Met
  • muzyka: Jan Duszyński, Dominika Korzeniecka
  • choreografia: Paweł Sakowicz
  • reżyseria światła: Aleksandr Prowaliński, Monika Stolarska
  • asystent reżyserki: Konrad Beta

Little Red Riding Hood is Anna Smolar's fourth play based on a text by contemporary French playwright and director Joël Pommerat, following One Hand, Pinocchio and Cinderella. The play immerses us in a musical and mysterious world where horror and laughter constantly clash and relationships are told in choreographed language, to the rhythm of live drums.

Plakat do spektaklu. Zdjęcie plakatowe przedstawia dziewczynkę biegnącą po peronie.

Photo by Daniel Rumiancew, composition: Pełnia Studio


  • „The hood of the title will not define the heroine this time (...) and it is not the hunter, but a woman-girl alliance combining experience with empathy and the strength of youth that will bring her rescue in the finale. (...) To become ready to face the dark forest, one must first face the vanilla cream”.
    – Magda Piekarska, (go to source)


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