Sex education

  • scenariusz i reżyseria: Michał Buszewicz
The legs with pink socks are sticking out of the bathtub.
Zegar110 MIN
Ikona wymagań wiekowychFROM 15 YEARS OLD

It's hard to do something for the first time. Especially when there are no road signs. The first steps, the first bike ride, the first sexual experience. Often, we feel a little lost in these situations. Our early experiences of sexuality are diverse. They can be challenging, funny, and clumsy. In this performance, we want to talk about them. About ourselves, our experiences, dilemmas, and delights. We will share stories about mistakes that once seemed like the end of the world, yet today we can laugh about them. We will ask each other what we like, where we draw the line. We want to talk about sex because sexuality is innate and natural, and we are all sexual beings. We will talk about sex because there is a lack of safe and open space to discuss it.

We are here to be brave. To "destigmatize" the topic of sex.


Realizatorzy i realizatorki

  • scenariusz i reżyseria: Michał Buszewicz
  • scenografia i kostiumy: Doris Nawrot
  • muzyka: Baasch
  • choreografia: Katarzyna Sikora
  • reżyseria światła: Aleksandr Prowaliński
  • konsultacja seksuolożki: Maja Wencierska
  • konsultacja w obszarze intymności i reprezentacji społeczności LGBTQ+: Agnieszka Różyńska
  • asystent scenografki: Michał Dobrucki
  • asystent reżysera: Wojciech Sandach
  • inspicjentka: Magdalena Kaźmierska

The performance for individuals above 15 years of age was created with the participation of a youth expert group.

Theatrical Podcast: Theater has the tools to disarm - a report. Michał Buszewicz (text and direction), Katarzyna Sikora (choreography), Baasch (music), Marta Gosecka (theater pedagogy), and Rita, Agnieszka, Olga, Romek, and Oliwer (Youth Expert Council) talk about the performance. Conversation in Polish


  • Finalist of the Gdynia Dramaturgy Award
  • Finalist of the TEATR POLSKA program
  • Award from the Youth Jury and a distinction from the Contemporary Dramaturgy Festival "Presented Reality" Jury
  • Awards from the 26th International Korczak Today Festival: Stefania Wilczyńska Award and Machulski Awards from the Youth Jury
  • The performance participated in the 28th Nationwide Competition for Staging Polish Contemporary Plays
  • The performance was shown at the Divadelní svět Brno Festival in the Czech Republic

Plakat do spektaklu. Nogi wystające z wanny.

Photo by Karolina Babińska, layout by Pełnia Studio


  • "Remarkably brave for Poland, yet subtle and without crossing any boundaries, this performance serves as an excellent example of sexual education and an important conversation about it. Above all, there is a new language for discussing sex here, free from taboos and shame. It features brilliant acting and an intriguing visual style that avoids stereotypical depictions of sex, along with outstanding music".
    – Przemek Gulda, instagram guldapoleca
  • "It's a devilishly fun thing. The comedy of the performance arises from the fact that both the audience and the performers are, after all, helpless. We tenderly observe each other and take our first steps together, contemplating the absurdity of the world we live in. The Sex education was developed by an expert group composed of teenagers who were consulted on the content presented in the performance. This is another important step towards finding a new, democratic language in theater. (...) I have a sense that a revolution began at Teatr Współczesny in Szczecin on that premiere night".
    – Zofia Kowalska, Teatr dla Wszystkich
  • "Buszewicz's performance proves that theater can become one of the spaces for sexual education, and it can do so with grace, humor, and imagination".
    – Teresa Fazan, Dwutygodnik


Kobieta i mężczyzna siedzą, wpatrują się w rozmazaną sylwetkę kobiecą. Obok nich w parze siedzi dwóch mężczyzn.