Do Not Disturb

Florian Zeller
  • reżyseria, opracowanie muzyczne: Norbert Rakowski
Na fotelu siedzi młody mężczyzna w skórze i z irokezem. Trzyma w rękach książkę.
Zegar100 MIN

A witty comedy by Florian Zeller - a contemporary French author.

An hour of peace and quiet is all Michel expects.


Realizatorzy i realizatorki

  • przekład: Barbara Grzegorzewska
  • reżyseria, opracowanie muzyczne: Norbert Rakowski
  • scenografia: Janusz Mazurczak
  • kostiumy: Justyna Gwizd
  • asystent reżysera: Paweł Niczewski

3600 seconds of absolute silence to listen to the album he managed to get after long efforts. Meanwhile, the world is crashing in on him. Necessarily, they want to talk to him: his wife, his son, his lover, his friend and even his neighbour, surrounding him with uncomfortable matters. Will the dream hour turn into a real nightmare?

The piece is based on Simon Gray's idea of "Otherwise Engaged".


  • Amber Ring 2015 for Best Actor of the Season - Konrad Pawicki for the role of Michel

Plakat do spektaklu. Wiertło wiertarki.



  • „Superb acting, stage bravura, comedy of errors. Yes, but also an undercurrent, a clear message about the wilderness of a delusional life, a beautiful world of imagination, incantations, dreams, dreams... It provides plenty of reasons to think and laugh. Of whom? Of Michel? Also”.
    – Kurier Szczeciński
  • „A bravuraly written comedy of errors and mistakes, light and funny”.


Mężczyzna w słuchawkach siedzi na fotelu.