The Futurological Congress

Stanisław Lem, Kongres futurologiczny
  • reżyseria: Agnieszka Jakimiak
Grupa osób, kobiet i mężczyzn w jednobarwnych, kolorowych strojach, stoi blisko siebie, wpatrując się w to, co przed nimi
Zegar90 MIN

Futurology is the science of the future. We take, following Lem, this science in brackets and throw ourselves into futuristic fiction. The future is a story to be told. Alternative visions of potential worlds are spaces of looming possibilities and the impossible. It is a world where having children can be socially harmful and group sex is the norm. 'The Futurological Congress' is an exercise for the imagination.


Realizatorki i realizatorzy

  • reżyseria: Agnieszka Jakimiak
  • adaptacja: Agnieszka Jakimiak, Mateusz Atman
  • scenografia, dramaturgia, wideo, światła: Mateusz Atman
  • kostiumy: Tomasz Armada
  • choreografia: Oskar Malinowski
  • muzyka: Łukasz Jędrzejczak
  • asystentka kostiumografa: Julia Kremplewska
  • asystentka reżyserki: Anna Kieca

The disease that has brought humanity to a standstill has made our long-term predictions and plans more uncertain, perhaps even impossible. A thought journey into the future becomes a journey into the Cosmos, which makes man no different from a snowman from the point of view of the Milky Way.

"The Futurological Congress" is a theatre that becomes a congress that turns into a theatre. The scientific fictions of the play are treated as entertainment and a form of escape from reality, but it is also a medicine - a capsule that makes our fears less scary, a capsule in which our dreams and hopes are mixed. What is interesting here is the therapeutic value of art. The living illusion of theatre can have a healing power.

"Futurological Congress" enters into a dialogue with our previous play, "Still Life", in which we viewed the future through the prism of climate depression, but "Futurological Congress" is a play in which we look into the abyss of the future with a wink.

co-production with Wrocław Contemporary Theatre

Plakat do spektaklu. Kolorowa grafika

Project: Tomasz Armada


  • „The adaptation of Lem's prose work proposed by the artistic duo Jakimiak and Atman is an exercise in optimism. In the play The Futurological Congress, the creators have proposed a positive vision of the future, in which dissent does not provoke aggression and people do not hurt each other with words”.
    – Piotr Dobrowolski, pismo TEATR
  • „(…) The actors and actresses of the two Contemporary Theatres whose co-production is the Congress - in Szczecin and Wrocław - take us on a successful combination of meditation, stand-up and group therapy. And all in little more than an hour”.
    – Dwutygodnik
