The kiss

Ger Thijs
  • direction: Marek Pasieczny
Podświetleni na żółto, mężczyzna i kobieta w objęciach.
Zegar100 MIN

Full of gentle humour, a moving play by Gera Thijs, one of the most popular contemporary authors in the Netherlands. Two strangers meet by chance on a mountain trail. Both are at a crossroads in life. He, once a promising comedian, now works in a recreational park disguised as a teddy bear, she, a serious former local beauty, is now waiting for important research results. Can the kiss of the title bring them together forever?


  • translation: Małgorzata Semil
  • direction: Marek Pasieczny
  • scenography: Katarzyna Stochalska
  • music: Robert Łuczak
  • light direction: Damian Pawella

Ger Thijs – Dutch actor, director, translator, playwright and one of the most popular contemporary theatre makers in the Netherlands. His plays are hugely popular, and the last three (including 'The Kiss') were among the nominations for the most important theatre prize awarded by the Dutch public, the Toneel Publieksprijs. 'The Kiss' is the first text by this author to be translated into Polish.


  • XIV Festival of Contemporary Drama "Rzeczywistość przedstawiona" in Zabrze (October 2014).

Plakat do spektaklu. Kolaż zdjęć.

project: Oliwia Ziębińska


  • „A touching drama of loneliness between two people. Magdalena Myszkiewicz creates a full-blooded role of a woman torn by her experiences when she is diagnosed with cancer. Konrad Pawicki, who has to play an underestimated man of the stage, makes his role a tribute to acting”.
    – Gazeta Wyborcza
  • „The sixth production of this play in the world and the best so far”.
    – Ger Thijs – author of the play


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