Kill the President

Piotr Rowicki
  • direction and musical arrangement: Piotr Ratajczak
Ciemna postać mężczyzny na tle projekcji.
Zegar60 MIN

For some, a psychopath to be condemned, for others, an object of worship and an unrivalled role model. A play about Eligiusz Niewiadomski, assassin of Poland's first president Gabriel Narutowicz.



  • direction and musical arrangement: Piotr Ratajczak
  • scenography and costumes: Katarzyna Sobolewska
  • projections: Kinga Dalska

An attempt to understand the man, looking for analogies, references to the present day and seeking answers to the question - what is the right key to understanding the essence of this murder? Why did Niewiadomski, a Pole, a Catholic, a father and husband, a respected artist think he was saving the country? For whom - and why, if at all - did he become a hero...? Piotr Rowicki's play, directed by Piotr Ratajczak and starring Arkadiusz Buszka as Niewiadomski, is another artistic collaboration between this trio.

Plakat do spektaklu. Mężczyzna w garniturze stoi tyłem. Trzyma telewizor.

poster design: Ola Zielińska, photo by: Karolina Babińska

The play took part in the 26th National Competition for the Exhibition of Polish Contemporary Art.


  • „'To Kill the President' strikes accurately - one might say bitterly: like Niewiadomski's bullet - hitting at our contemporary problems and fears. Or rather, in our ever less concealed and more daringly present fascinations and obsessions”.
    – A.D. Liskowacki, Kurier Szczeciński
  • „'To Kill the President' is not only a phenomenally well-crafted production, devoid of clogging (the modest, but meaningful set design is complemented only by projections with press cuttings and fragments of Kawalerowicz's film Death of a President, prepared by Kinga Dalska) and well thought-out down to the last centimetre. Personally, I also see it as an important and timely warning against fuelling aggressive public sentiment, which is driven in equal measure by the profit-driven activities of the media (controlled by various parties), as well as by the hegemony spread by individuals - sometimes for specific benefits, more often out of petty-mindedness, grief over private matters and a simple lack of imagination”.
    – Agnieszka Moroz,
  • „It is an absolutely outstanding creation, played with the utmost concentration, expressive, emotional, striking and moving”.
    – Daniel Źródlewski, Prestiż Szczecin


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